This is the text of an e-mail I just received. Note that one of the topics of the debate is IF HUMAN RIGHTS ARE UNIVERSAL! This is not the first time I have heard (actually read) this question being asked. It comes up in letters to the editor and interviews with Important People (tm) in the paper with alarming frequency. I find it disturbing that the existence of Human Rights is even questioned, but I'm glad that there are folks here in Fiji making the claim that they do indeed exist and are essential.
Debate: Respecting Human Rights: challenges in Fiji and worldwide
Date: Tuesday March the 21st at 6.30PM
Venue: Alliance Française
Entrance: free
At the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (21 March), the Alliance Française and the Regional Office for the Pacific of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
(OHCHR) propose a debate: Respecting human rights: challenges in Fiji and worldwide No country or region in the world is sparred from human rights concerns.
Fiji is no exception; but what are currently the main human rights challenges the country faces? Are human rights truly universal or should they be specific to the Pacific region? How can the human rights cause progress in Fiji?
 6.30PM The pain of others. At work for the UN Commission on Human Rights.
A film-documentary produced by the Swiss Television
 7.00PM Debate: what human rights challenges for Fiji?
Speakers: Dr. Shaista Shameem, Director, Fiji Human Rights Commission Ms. Edwina Kotoisuva, Deputy Coordinator, Fiji WomenÂs Crisis Centre