Finally some pictures

This is Sigatoka Sand dunes. It's much more like the beach I'm used to than any other I've seen in Fiji.

Here we are eating Pizza by the Sea.

This is the obligatory sunset picture.

Here we are approaching Tivua Island. Then my batteries died. But a Google Image search gets better pictures than I can take anyway.
Looks like fun.
I wish i was in 80 degree weather everyday. R isn't playing video games in every picture like he was in Hawaii.
How did the kava taste?
Yes, the beach pictures look a lot like the approaches to the beach at the South Jetty. But I know better--it's gray, very rainy, and windy in Oregon, not sunny, calm and dry.
Oh, I just didn't post those pictures.
Kava tastes gross, and has a pretty mild effect. I think there's a reason it's often "chased" with a Fiji Bitter.
The similarities to South Jetty were eerie, especially as most beaches here in Fiji are nothing like that! It was blazingly hot, really windy and there was nobody else there so it was double spooky.
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